Fort Carson, Colorado is located at the southern end of the front range of the Rocky Mountains and is aptly called “The Mountain Post”. This project consists of the design and construction of a physical fitness facility to include fitness, exercise, structured activity, gymnasium and natatorium modules. The overall goal of this project is to provide a functional, secure, visually appealing, state-of-the-art facility rivaling similar use facilities found in local communities and on college campuses. Each module has a specific location and purpose. It was designed to comply with the American College of Sports medicine (ACSM) Health/Fitness Facility Standards and Guidelines and Technical Criteria – US Army Physical Fitness Facilities. This facility received a LEED Gold Certification.
Government Projects:
Fort Carson Fitness Facility
About Fort Carson Fitness Facility
Location: Colorado Springs, COStructure Size: 88,130 sf
Budget: 23 M
Date of Completion: 2012