
Thought Leadership: National Energy Efficiency Day

Nearly half of all the energy consumed in America is through buildings. There is something that you can do about this. In honer of National Energy Efficiency Day, take a home inventory of discretionary electric devices to find areas of potential waste and opportunities for conservation.

Take 5 minutes to identify where you use electricity in your home and which items you have discretionary control of.

Take an inventory of:

  • Number of televisions and/or computer monitors
  • Number of computers
  • Number of DVD players, DVR recorders, stereo systems, game consoles, etc.
  • Number of light switches
  • other sources of electricity consumption

Also identify if you have a programmable or smart thermostat and if it is programmed to raise air conditioning temperature settings or lower heat settings during times when no one is home.

Remember, knowledge is power.  Taking the time to identify sources of electricity consumption in your home and discussing simple behavioral changes that can help you eliminate waste will put you on the path to saving money and setting an example for your friends and family about the importance of reducing electricity waste.